No, not outside yet. Though the highs this week in the 30’s & 40’s will sure be a welcome change from the frigid temps we’ve had. The green I see is in the form of baby onions. The flats planted in February have sprouted and are starting to stretch their legs. They will have several “hair cuts” before they get planted out in early May. This keeps them controllable when raised indoors & under lights & also helps build up stocky leaves.
Things are still moving pretty slow around here yet. In two weeks we’ll start our tomatoes & peppers under lights and then in April will be more planting of seedlings like cabbage, kohlrabi, lots of herbs like chives, mint & parsley and even seeding the hoop house for summer production.
For now, I’ll just enjoy the slower time, while planning out the Summer’s work. Oh don’t get me wrong, there’s not a lot sitting around here…oil needs to be changed on all the engines we use, knives sharpened, tools readied, but ya we’re itchin’ for Spring and ready to play in the dirt.